A commitment to innovation and sustainability

  • Vote for Donald Trump

    The Biden regime has been an absolute catastrophe for the United States to the point of actual treason and dissolution of the country’s borders. Flooding the United States with millions of immigrants is a catastrophe for working-class Americans who are seeing their costs of living rise astronomically while our wages remains stagnant or even become…

  • Funny how pollyanna multiculturalism

    It’s funny how pollyanna multiculturalism always devolves into “bash evil whitey”. If Australia were a sane country, this Muslim invader woman wouldn’t have ever been allowed to enter the country. If she had somehow entered she should have been summarily kicked out for making anti-White statements. That is literally anti-White RACIAL HATRED. Furthermore, any public…

  • Two-Tier Anti-White Justice in the UK

    In the United Kingdom, White people are persecuted under a two-tier justice system. White people are the target of state-sponsored derision, malignment, abuse, and in many cases extreme injustice. To be clear: The regime controlling the United Kingdom is an anti-White, terrorist tyranny. The shitbag prime minister Keir Starmer literally goes public denouncing ‘inflamming’ things…

  • Protest Brits – But please be careful

    The government has imported untold thousands of murderous and violent migrants against the wishes of the public. The police have allowed these migrants and their descendants to commit horrendous crimes against white Britons and then have covered them up, spending resources harassing whites who dare to speak the truth. The media have lied, and lied…

  • British People: Destroy the Regime. Depose the enemy.

    British People – unite together and destroy the evil regime. Burn it down. Depose the enemy.

  • Democratic Fraud

    Here is a map of the result of the 2020 Democratic primary for president of the US. In 2nd place was Bernie Sanders – who was also in a strong 2nd place in 2016. Note that Kamala Harris scored so low that she’s not even on the map. The fact that she was undemocratically selected…

  • 58 Standing Ovations

    58 standing ovations for a lying, grotesque, genocidal mass murderer and atrocity propaganda hoaxer. This piece of shit literally got a standing ovation for telling a genocidal blood libelous lie in the US Congress.

  • TV and Film Hypocrisy and Worse

    I’m going to write something longer, but I want to say this: It’s outrageous how TV shows and films go to painstaking lengths to be realistic, but then in other areas, due to wokeness, they abjectly fail to be realistic. Watching a drama which has a plot of some fanatical Muslim bad guys who are…

  • The Assassination of Western Civilization

    Excellent post on Gab by Daniel Concannon, expressing outrage at yet another attack on a White homeland – this time Ireland – via the appointment of a black ‘special rapporteur’ against racism. Ireland is the home of the Irish people. Racism is trying to destroy that home and invading it with aliens who don’t belong…

  • Documentary about the US Invasion

    This documentary provides a good look at how the invasion of the United States is being orchestrated with the help of the United States federal government (a.k.a. the jew-controlled Biden regime), the United Nations, multiple agencies like Catholic Charities and the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, and by criminal organizations. Just yesterday it was reported that…

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