A commitment to innovation and sustainability
Absolutely Disqualified
Anyone who writes a statement like this should be absolutely disqualified from ever holding public office in the United States. Another one of these scheming-billionaire shittard elites. Go back to India, Vivek. The USA doesn’t want nor need you in any way, whatsoever. Please take your ‘contributions’ and GTFO.
When We Get To See Up Close What Drives Atrocity
Slave masters have social media accounts now. Elon Musk Says Americans Are Too ‘Retarded’ for Tech Jobs, Censors Critics Hey White American, if you’re not willing to live in an overpriced rat shit environment and work like a slave, you’re useless and deserve to be vilified and derided by upper-class treasonous slime and their imported…
Disloyalty is more destructive
I want to say to every White American: Never be afraid to be pro-White. When scum like Elon Musk resort to calling you ‘racist’ for wanting to keep your homelands White, remember that every other major country in the world – ones that Musk’s and other scab-elites are more than happy to do business with…
What An Atrocity
What an atrocity! What an atrocity! I was initially going to write “What a Disaster” for the title, but disaster indicates an unforeseen situation which arises unanticipated, as a result of unplanned and uncontrollable events. Dis + aster meaning a mis-alignment or dis-alignment of the stars. But this situation in the United States isn’t a…
…and they forget that Deus Pater…
…and in that time they had forgotten that Deus Pater was in the sky above them. In their buildings of “worship” they lost touch with the blessed God of the Sky, they slowly fell out of communion with him. Many stopped worshiping altogether. Many replaced their worship of him with worship of various kinds of…
What Every White Human Needs to Know
There is nothing wrong whatsoever with loving, liking, enjoying, and wanting to be around your White brothers and sisters. Not only is there nothing wrong with it, it is good. It is virtuous. It is wholesome. We are not cogs in some dark, ugly machine. Life is more than being little pawns that regimes shuffle…
Humanity is Insane
Early one morning recently I went on a long drive through one of the major metropolitan areas of the United States. What I witnessed shocked the hell out of me. As I was driving away from the metropolitan center what I saw on the other side of the highways I was driving on was astounding…
Terrorist Jews and Their Servants Control the USA
Rep. Brian Mast, Who Wears His IDF Uniform to Congress, to be Next House Foreign Affairs Chair
Stop Jewish Persecution of Arabs
Jews have been persecuting Arabs since land was first stolen from native Palestinians. Jewish persecution of Arabs has included mass slaughter, stealing land, imprisonment, and extreme apartheid policies. Every wall separating Israel from its neighbors must be torn down. Jews must learn to accept their Arab neighbors and live with them. Apartheid is wrong and…
Seize Control Militarily
President Trump, militarily seizing control of municipalities – and entire states – which have egregiously violated US immigration law and are openly aiding and abetting mass invasion of the United States is not only important, it is necessary. This is the worst national crisis since the founding of the United States and it requires a…
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