Category: Uncategorized
America First LMAO
Regardless of what happened, any good spiritual adviser, therapist, or healer will tell you it’s extremely bad to constantly dredge up negativity from the past. Part of being a healthy organism means living in the present, which too few of us do. People can spend their entire lifetimes living in the past (anxiety, trauma, regret)…
I would instantly give up a White ethnostate
I would instantly give up a White ethnostate in order to stop the atrocities perpetrated by evil jews against Palestinians. Jews who support Israel – and let’s be honest we’re talking about probably over 90% of all of them – are racist evil sick genocidal disgusting murderous bigots. The cat’s out of the bag on…
Don’t Take the Cretinous Traitors’ Bait
Don’t offer your life for supremacist jews and their servants. Don’t serve evil. If it must die, let the evil jew-controlled anti-life terrorist regime of the USA perish for the sake of the sanctity of life and world peace.
The Parasite
Warren and Emily discussing how the real reason behind the South Africa sanctions have nothing to do with helping the persecuted White minority and everything to do with punishing the country for its opposition to Israel’s atrocities. They also discuss the scandal surrounding media hype about supposed mass deportations which don’t appear to be happening.…
Going Full War Criminal
You don’t get to do that. You don’t get to give billions of dollars in weapons, cash, and logistical support to a terrorist, apartheid regime that commits war crimes and causes vast devastation, then act like that devastation just happened to occur like the weather. America last with Zion Don. Remember everyone: Don’t be antisemitic!…
The Greatest Symbol of Hate
Because of this and this alone millions of people have died. The USA has waged bloody attacks on weaker nations. Poisonous hatred has been stirred against the USA and her people. And the world is a less healthy, wholesome place. The greatest hate symbol in the world is called the Star of David. It is…
Trump Commits a War Crime
Trump called Gaza a “demolition site” and said he had spoken to Jordan’s King Abdullah II about moving Palestinians out of the territory. “I’d like Egypt to take people. And I’d like Jordan to take people,” Trump told reporters aboard Air Force One, adding that he planned to talk to Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi on…
Absolutely Disqualified
Anyone who writes a statement like this should be absolutely disqualified from ever holding public office in the United States. Another one of these scheming-billionaire shittard elites. Go back to India, Vivek. The USA doesn’t want nor need you in any way, whatsoever. Please take your ‘contributions’ and GTFO.
When We Get To See Up Close What Drives Atrocity
Slave masters have social media accounts now. Elon Musk Says Americans Are Too ‘Retarded’ for Tech Jobs, Censors Critics Hey White American, if you’re not willing to live in an overpriced rat shit environment and work like a slave, you’re useless and deserve to be vilified and derided by upper-class treasonous slime and their imported…
Disloyalty is more destructive
I want to say to every White American: Never be afraid to be pro-White. When scum like Elon Musk resort to calling you ‘racist’ for wanting to keep your homelands White, remember that every other major country in the world – ones that Musk’s and other scab-elites are more than happy to do business with…