Category: Uncategorized
Caananites, Phoenicians, Jews
This happened exactly on the ADL "Day of Hate" hoax: Israeli rampage on West Bank village leaves one dead, 390 injured, 75 burnt homes All support for Israel is an act of hate. Israel is an atrocity regime. Phoenicians and Jews were basically the same people, from what was called Caanan in ancient times, which…
Abundance – Success – Fulfillment
Abundance, success, fulfillment… if you’re a system pig rapist. USA 2023
When The Government Says It’s Safe
When the government says it’s safe, and tens of thousands of animals die, rivers are poisoned, and people made sick, then the government is the enemy and must be deposed.
Now do this for every other metropolitan area
“In addition to impacting local elections, bribes and infiltration were used to affect the outcome of the races during the November 3, 2020 election, including the outcome of the race for Maricopa County Recorder, and the outcome of the November 8, 2022 election (race for Governor, Secretary of State, and Attorney General).” Breger continued, saying…
Every day is a day of hate
NOTE: The Privacy Badger plugin is blocking embedded Bitchute videos. Please disable it for this site. Every day is a day of hate against Whites, under the anti-White, Jew-controlled terrorist regime. And a huge part of the anti-White hate machine is essentially grift. An entire industry of hucksters and grifters has sprung up around ant-White…
I often have dreams of the pre-invasion times, before this disaster befell the West. Dreams about vastly different worlds which would have been reality if things had gone only slightly differently. Dreams which would have been reality if the White genocide had never taken place. The last time I remember at least parts of that…
The Answer for the World
The answer for the world is an Enlightened One. Earth desperately needs an Enlightened One. Following the Enlightened One are disciples of the highest devotion. And behind them are millions, billions of people and all beings of Earth and beyond. Earth needs the Enlightened One, the Enlightened One’s disciples need the Enlightened One. All beings…
10 Arguments Against Mass Immigration
Excellent video by one of the brightest dissident political thinkers of our time, Keith Woods. In the end, mass immigration is probably the most heinous aspect of taxation without representation. Taxation without representation by the Jew-controlled anti-White terrorist regime is an atrocity. Keith discusses the concept of the unity, the ethnos, as the basis of…
FTN 534: East Palestinian Liberation Organization
FTN 534: East Palestinian Liberation Organization Definitely listen to the deep dive on Bill Johnson which starts around 1:03:30 The extent to which Israel is controlling US politics via people like traitor Bill Johnson should enrage every American. The fact that this foreign control of US politics is taking place is an outrage. This truly…