Category: Uncategorized

  • Disaster Model

    Going through upper-class neighborhoods in urban California metropolitan areas one sees the same thing over-and-over-and-over again: multi-million-dollar house/mansion after mansion in the process of having renovation, maintenance, or construction of some kind done. Often there’s scaffolding. There are usually work trucks parked in front. And then: Mexicans. Mexicans mexicans mexicans. That’s all you see. The…

  • Nord Stream II

    Any alliance which weakens Israel and the anti-White US ZOG regime is a benefit to Americans and to the vast majority of the world including the Middle-East. How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline

  • SOTU Synopsis

    For those of us who didn’t watch the evil, corrupt, traitorous, lying piece of shit anti-White terrorist ZOG regime puppet give the State of the Union address, here’s a synopsis, courtesy of @Trouble_Man on Basically the lying, evil piece of shit bragged about the efficiency of the slave state even while tens of millions…

  • Send delegations

    People in other parts of the United States, especially areas that are majority White and which are being targeted with being flooded with POC, should be required to send delegations to places like San Francisco and Los Angeles. People should be required to actually spend significant amounts of time witnessing what it’s like in places…

  • Donchya Know…?

    …not enjoying being incessantly ogled and sexually harassed in public by lecherous, disgusting shitskins is rayceest?

  • Have a Revolution, Ireland

    Have a revolution, Ireland. Rise up all Irish! Stop the invasion of your homeland and overthrow the evil regime which is planning on genociding your people. Hold the perpetrators accountable. Rise up Irish! This is the most important struggle you will ever face.

  • US Tech Worker PTSD

    Being a US native tech worker in the USA means having PTSD. In addition to the fact that all tech jobs are now given to pajeet invaders, every day you get re-traumatized by reading how some traitors in congress are conspiring to fuck over Americans even more, or how US universities are betraying Americans even…

  • Big Grievance, Big Golem

    Big Grievance, a.k.a. the grievance industry, began decades ago with hucksters like Al Sharpton who knew how to play the race card to manipulate and extort organizations and businesses. People like Sharpton were pioneers in the industry, and now it has exploded and has become institutionalized to the point that many if not most major…

  • Excellent Observation about the Extremist Pervert Creep Groomer Community

    The reason societies – rightly so – suppressed openly promoting "LGB" is because the rate of child sexual abuse is ridiculously high among them. These people invest their entire personalities in this shit, and the vast majority of them have severe boundary issues and deeply malformed personalities from years of neglect and/or abuse. No sane…