Category: Uncategorized

  • US Tech Worker PTSD

    Being a US native tech worker in the USA means having PTSD. In addition to the fact that all tech jobs are now given to pajeet invaders, every day you get re-traumatized by reading how some traitors in congress are conspiring to fuck over Americans even more, or how US universities are betraying Americans even…

  • Big Grievance, Big Golem

    Big Grievance, a.k.a. the grievance industry, began decades ago with hucksters like Al Sharpton who knew how to play the race card to manipulate and extort organizations and businesses. People like Sharpton were pioneers in the industry, and now it has exploded and has become institutionalized to the point that many if not most major…

  • Excellent Observation about the Extremist Pervert Creep Groomer Community

    The reason societies – rightly so – suppressed openly promoting "LGB" is because the rate of child sexual abuse is ridiculously high among them. These people invest their entire personalities in this shit, and the vast majority of them have severe boundary issues and deeply malformed personalities from years of neglect and/or abuse. No sane…

  • Please Donate to Protect a Fundamental Human Right

    White people exist. White people have a right to exist. White people have a right to exist sustainably in the cultural centers built by their ancestors, free from immigration and replacement. White people have the right to advocate for their collective self interest. In the year 2023 this is what public advocacy and first amendment…

  • Criminalizing Justice

    Few ethnic groups in history have been so maligned and systemically abused as White people around the world are today are, and the powers-that-be are pushing for ever more intensification of the genocide against Whites. The campaign for White rights is the most important human rights campaign of our era. It is the most important…

  • Dear Whites: They hate us

    Found this amazing video in the Andrew Joyce archive. The sum of all these publications, articles, etc. amounts to one thing: Genocide rhetoric against the White race. It is systemic, methodical, deliberate abuse of Whites with the intention to malign, harm, and ultimately to genocide. Imagine if any other race were substituted for "White" in…

  • This is the state of the terrorist regime of the USA

    The anti-White terrorist regime imports millions to depress wages, steal employment, economic, educational, and housing opportunities from US citizens in order to make profit. And this is its military. And just think, these golem will become local law enforcement officers or maybe the new armed IRS tax collectors who will beat down your door in…

  • How the USA progressed into the terrorist regime

    It started with Big Tech actually. The great, revolutionary "innovation" brought about by Big Tech was that the people who use their sites are not the customers, they are the products. In other words, the true purpose of Big Tech is not to provide service to people, but to turn people into targets of abuse,…

  • A little story

    Listening to an interesting conversation between Morgoth and Auron MacIntyre: I actually never knew that much about Spengler and didn’t know that Heidegger had read him. After learning that, it brings new light to the book The Question Concerning Technology. In discussing some of the fundamental ideas about Techne and man’s destining I think it’s…