Category: Uncategorized
Censoring opinions and banning free speech: Who really benefits
Excellent post from Warren Balogh, one of the leaders of the National Justice Party, the only party to represent the American people. The only party which is not corrupt and malevolent. It definitely appears that ‘the system’ is trying to back Ron DeSantis as the next president of the US in 2024 after what is…
Great Replacement is – the Policy – of the Anti-White Terrorist Regime
Great replacement is the policy of the anti-White terrorist regime. The United States is controlled by a plutocratic tyranny run by Jews. The electorate of the USA would not have voted for these catastrophic policies however the USA is not a democracy. What is being perpetrated against White Europeans in their homelands is an…
Only Women Get Pregnant
People trying to push an extremist, freak agenda are trying to equate biologically normal Homo sapiens with people who made a decision to be different. If anyone chooses to be transgender one thing they must accept is that they’re choosing to be different, and it’s unreasonable to expect the world to bend to extremist and…
Always Remember the Highest State
I don’t have the time right now to post the complete concept right now. But I want to write an important message. In my life I’ve witnessed many things. I’ve seen people involved in self-destructive behaviors. I’ve seen drug addicts injecting themselves and smoking terrible things, or snorting terrible things. I’ve seen behaviors such as…
Don’t Put Chemicals On Your Body. Keep Them Out of Your Environment.
The ‘personal care’ (what a misnomer) industry is a huge industry – probably in the trillions of dollars. It pushes chemicals on people in many ways. It pushes products on people which include things like soaps, shampoos, conditioners, skin ‘care’ products, lotions, and makeup (a.k.a. ‘beauty’). All of this stuff is garbage. It is worse…
The desperate lean to center-right – Why DeSantis is fake
They have allowed DeSantis to make minor wins – to allow limited ‘conservative’ legislation to be enacted, etc. This is deliberate. They are concerned that things are careening out of control – the schism in society has reached an alarming level and the Zionist-occupied government is worried about chaos and worse. So they’re throwing out…
You’ve been “radicalized”…
…or maybe you just realize the truth. Another classic post from Andrew Joyce.
Idaho Graib
In this chilling excerpt from yesterday’s The People’s Square podcast, Eric Striker and Borzoi talk about the deliberate creation of a ‘woke’ military for the ultimate purpose of suppressing political dissent within the United States. I will never forget the shock when living abroad when the Abu Graib prison torture of Iraqi citizens by the…