Category: Uncategorized
If you expose your kids to them
…this is what happens. Being exposed to them is a grave human rights violation. This is why equality and equity laws and policies are anti-White. Because they assume that two unequal things are equal and ascribe the cause of inequality to mistreatment. In effect, equality and equity laws and policies are exactly the opposite of…
It’s Funny, I Get These Survey Emails All the Time
It’s funny. I get these survey e-mails all the time. Usually asking me about "local" or "statewide" issues. Often I suspect they’re for a political campaign – either by a candidate who’s doing research or else some organization that has some political stake. I used to actually fill most of these out, thinking I was…
America Needs De-groomers-ification
Sexualizing children is a crime. There is no sane agenda that involves sexualizing children, exposing them to this kind of stuff. Never. Furthermore, homosexuality and heterosexuality are not equivalent. Heterosexuality is the norm for humans – and that’s a good and healthy thing – and homosexuality is an exception. TDS recently did a whole segment…
Imagine if Putin Announced the Construction of a New Chip Fab in Russia
This idea just occurred to me. I don’t know where Putin intends to take Russia in the future, but it seems that, in an increasingly technological future, if Russia does not become more technologically independent then it is going to become increasingly compromised. I’m not sure why there already aren’t chip fabs in Russia, given…
Diluting Whites Out of Existence to Create a Global Slave Race
Below is the video from an interview of Chris Langan by Keith Woods from which the above excerpt is taken. (Video controls are not visible until you hover over the video.) Note: In the video Chris Langan mentions "Bernaysian techniques of control" which refer to Edward Bernays. It is highly recommended to watch the documentary…
Under the Anti-White, Terrorist Regime
Under the anti-White, terrorist, kleptocrat regime anyone who doesn’t shut up and bleed is called a terrorist. Note that what they accuse the victims of their atrocities of is exactly what they themselves are.
The senile, kid-groping president…
the senile kid-groping president with the crackhead sex pervert son who got paid big cartoon bags of cash by bioweapon research labs in the intel agency funny zone country just called for assassinating the leader of the world’s largest nuclear power for the sake of “our values” Don’t forget that the crackhead sex pervert son…
Essential Listening: TPS weekly podcasts
These guys are among the most enlightened political thinkers in the world today. If the USA was not controlled by the kleptocratic, anti-White terrorist regime, this is what a healthy press would be like. Sunday morning political talk shows would have people like these, not the system shills and ZOG scabs who clog the airwaves.…
Evil YouTube and Google are Censoring “Ukraine on Fire”
The evil, anti-White terrorist regime is now censoring the excellent documentary film "Ukraine on Fire". In the name of humanity the regime must be put down. I can confirm the censorship. Just a few days ago, searching for "Ukraine on Fire" on YouTube would bring up the Oliver Stone documentary as the top result. Not…