Category: Uncategorized

  • Striker on Thiel

    Agree with this 100% If the USA actually had a president who would follow this platform – there should be a full investigation – far beyond that of the Russiagate hoax and far beyond even the McCarthy hearings – there should be a full investigation of elected officials in the USA who have sold out…

  • We Don’t Need No Indoctrination

    We don’t need no jewish though control. We do need no holocult indoctrination. All this "education" and our poor Earth and our societies are just getting more and more fucked up. Fuck education. Fuck the anti-white, hate-indoctrinating Ivy League and fuck every university that has sold it’s soul to scab third-world labor imports.  And fuck…

  • Special Urgent Notice to Canadian Convey Truckers in Ottowa

    Even though the ruling by the judge in Ottowa which refers to honking horns as "psychological warfare" is outrageous, truckers should comply with the ruling for the time being. Isn’t funny how these evil fuckers cherry-pick when it comes to supposedly being concerned about people? Flooding Canada with tens of thousands of scab third-world laborers,…

  • Freedom Party in Canada!

    The only real party is a freedom party. If it’s not about freedom, as these wonderful Canadians are showing, then it’s about enslavement. Never celebrate with the evil, tyrannical, lying, anti-white terrorist regime. Only celebrate when it is put down and extinguished. Meanwhile, another Silicon Valley tech company has revealed it’s tyrannical true nature as…

  • Who Needs Invasion?

    Who needs invasion, when the federal government is busy busing in loads of illegal invaders? Above: Video of what was only one of multiple buses packed with almost exclusively military-aged, non-White, male, illegal invaders. Their clothing, the buses, further transportation, hotels, and more was paid for by US taxpayers. This is a deliberate act to…

  • Be a Good Team Player, Whitey

    Shut up and bleed while we destroy your homelands and pillage everything your ancestors built.

  • Ukraine

    My position on Ukraine is that it’s next to Poland. Ukraine should be a free, independent country which exists for its own people, the Ukrainians, and has a healthy, stable government, free from corruption. Whatever gets Ukraine closer to that state I support. My final position on Ukraine is that, while I hope everything is…

  • One Major Facet of the Anti-White Terrorist Regime’s Atrocities

    The destruction of the livelihoods, careers, and opportunities of US citizens in favor of big-business cheap tech labor. If the United Nations weren’t a bunch of dwiddling dipshits they would pass a human rights declaration against this atrocity. Instead, they pass resolutions about the ‘holocaust’. This is no different than when the 17th- and 18th-century…

  • It’s Important to Question Narratives

     There’s no question that "holocaust" is like a cult. There are temples erected to it. Children across the world are methodically indoctrinated into it. Yet there are a lot of things to question. Many aspects of the story don’t hold up to basic forensic scrutiny. There were labor camps in Germany and people died…