Category: Uncategorized
Question the Holocult. Question Jewish Supremacy. Question our Corrupt, Traitorous Leaders.
And question the anti-white terrorist regime.
Who Needs Invasion?
Who needs invasion, when the federal government is busy busing in loads of illegal invaders? Above: Video of what was only one of multiple buses packed with almost exclusively military-aged, non-White, male, illegal invaders. Their clothing, the buses, further transportation, hotels, and more was paid for by US taxpayers. This is a deliberate act to…
Be a Good Team Player, Whitey
Shut up and bleed while we destroy your homelands and pillage everything your ancestors built.
My position on Ukraine is that it’s next to Poland. Ukraine should be a free, independent country which exists for its own people, the Ukrainians, and has a healthy, stable government, free from corruption. Whatever gets Ukraine closer to that state I support. My final position on Ukraine is that, while I hope everything is…
One Major Facet of the Anti-White Terrorist Regime’s Atrocities
The destruction of the livelihoods, careers, and opportunities of US citizens in favor of big-business cheap tech labor. If the United Nations weren’t a bunch of dwiddling dipshits they would pass a human rights declaration against this atrocity. Instead, they pass resolutions about the ‘holocaust’. This is no different than when the 17th- and 18th-century…
It’s Important to Question Narratives
There’s no question that "holocaust" is like a cult. There are temples erected to it. Children across the world are methodically indoctrinated into it. Yet there are a lot of things to question. Many aspects of the story don’t hold up to basic forensic scrutiny. There were labor camps in Germany and people died…
Stand in Solidarity with Casa Pound
Here is a translated version of the news article which quotes a Casa Pound member on their being unjustly targeted and harassed by the Roman authorities: Clashes during the eviction of a room occupied by Casapound militants, two officers injured Eric is right, ZOG’s throughout the West are harassing, abusing, attacking, and terrorizing whites and…
America the Third World Shithole
Remember, this was all done not for the sake of humanitarianism as claimed, but for cheap labor to fuel the plutocracy’s money-making engines. Mass third-world immigration was the plutocracy’s economic crack hit. And this is just one small part of the price paid. Just like real crack, this atrocity against the American people will leave…
Something to Think About
There are people who are good at being generals, and there are people who are good, even great, at being advisors. But not necessarily everyone who is a good advisor is a good general. A person could be a great advisor – the success of a government may be due in very large part to…