A Terrible Atrocity Has Just Occurred

The British Islands are the ancestral homeland of the British Peoples, a closely related group of Celtic and Germanic tribes. Few if any other ethnic groups in human history have been more abused, maligned, and gaslit than the British People have been and continue to be to this day.

Every aspect of their history is being methodically dismantled, destroyed, and replaced by falsehoods and deceptions in an attempt to destroy their collective identity and to demoralize and humiliate them as a people.

The idea that the regime that controls Britain as well as all Western nations is a democracy or anything remotely close to one has been made a mockery by modern Bernaysian techniques of mass persuasion and political manipulation. No one in the British Isles would have ever voted for their capital city London, nor multiple other cities and metropolitan areas to be invaded by west asians, namely Pakistanis and Indians, who have absolutely no birthright nor moral right to be on the British Isles.

No one would have chosen for their people to become a minority in the cultural centers built by their ancestors. Yet this is exactly what is happening, and the campaign against this atrocity is one of the most important human rights campaigns in modern human history.

Sam Melia, a dedicated activist for the rights of the native British Peoples to their homeland, free from invasion and replacement, has just been convicted in what amounts to a great travesty and act of atrocity not just against him personally, but against all British people who have a God-given right to stand up for their right to their homeland, free from the displacement, abuse, and multifarious ill-effects including vastly increase rates of sex crimes and violence which have afflicted their homeland.

A couple years ago Sam and Laura’s home was raided by ‘counterterrorism’ police in what amounted to an utterly gross act of political persecution.

Laura Towler posting on Telegram. Please install the Telegram app directly from telegram.org in order to bypass Google and Apple censorship of important voices of freedom and truth such as Laura.

And now Sam has been convicted in court in what amounts to another gross act of political persecution and racial abuse of native Great Britons.

Sam’s wife Laura Towler posting on Telegram. Be sure to install the Telegram app directly from telegram.org in order to bypass Google and Apple censorship of important voices for freedom and truth such as Sam and Laura

This is an illegitimate ruling by an illegitimate court.

Mark Collett reposting White Papers on Telegram.

GiveSendGo: Supporting Sam & Laura at this Difficult Time


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