Ecotreason is Treason How Much Nature Should America Keep?

Mass immigration is not only a grave human rights violation of native citizens, it is also ecological treason.

The regime doesn’t want attention drawn to the vast ecological rape it is causing through mass immigration, all while it claims to have some kind of moral and legal authority to issue environmental dictates.

Imagine the pretense of claiming to want to protect the environment while driving the single most ecologically devastating event in modern history, namely mass immigration.

The people running the regime are deranged, evil, lying lunatics. Destroying our precious environment *is* treason, along with selling out to Israel, funding the neocon-created Ukraine debacle while not doing a thing to secure the border which is being overrun.

Every one of these deranged lunatics belongs in jail. EarthX 2024: Conservation efforts overwhelmed by immigration and sprawl

More immigration, more sprawl, less habitat, less wildlife

Friend and ally Dr. Karen Shragg also contributed to the conference in a meaningful way. During a panel discussion about the challenges of wolf reintroduction in America, I think Karen surprised most people in the room when she told us she’s not in favor of reintroduction. Her reason was clear: immigration-driven population growth is constraining the movements of wildlife, especially for large mammals like wolves which need room to roam. Further, projected future growth of America’s population under current federal immigration policy is likely to cause more human-wildlife conflicts.

Destruction of our environment is a crime.