The Elephant in the Room

₱₳₮Ɽł₵₭ ⱧɆ₦ⱤɎ posting on Telegram. Always install the Telegram app directly from in order to avoid Google and Apple censorship of important dissident channels like Patrick’s

The United States of America is an occupied nation. Our government isn’t a government “of the people”, “by the people”, nor “for the people”. In reality it is the government of Israel.

Every major action that it engages in is for the support of Israel and jews. Even while White students are being suppressed from admissions to universities, supposedly in the name of ‘equality’ and ‘fairness’, jews have been vastly over-represented in what amounts to an extreme level of nepotism.

This level of nepotism is a crime

Now the corrupt regime is allowing millions of Indians to flood in and literally take over entire industries such as the IT sector, and they are also engaging in severe nepotism.

With Biden and virtually ever other member of the US Congress, it’s not just that they are being controlled by Israel, it’s also the fact that the entire corrupt system even allows donations. The entire system of government is essentially one of bribery. How can a system like the produce anything but corrupt, treasonous politicians?

They are openly bragging about their buying American government.
US Senators – all who have been bribed by the jew lobby – are threatening the International Criminal Court if it upholds justice for the Palestinians who have been genocided and violated by Israel’s war crimes.

While our southern border is literally being invaded, the US government has sent it’s full military force to defend Israel.

While US citizens are struggling against poverty, with outrageously inflating costs of housing, food, and other necessities, billions are being given away to Ukraine and Israel for stupid, bloody jew wars.

Patrick Henry on Telegram. AIPAC’s largest donor is the owner of the pornography site OnlyFans. Talk about blood money.