You have to be INSANE

Video of insane amount of garbage at the mouth of the Montagua River in Guatemala. You have to be absolutely insane to let people from a country where this occurs into the United States.

There are similar videos for places in India and East Asia. Probably Africa as well. I’ve seen alien invader Uber drivers literally dumping refuse out of their cars onto the curb.

The floodgate is open to infestation. The regime allows hundreds of thousands of pajeets to take American jobs and flood our institutions of higher education in what amounts to a grave atrocity. These vile, ugly creatures are completely alien to Europeanss and to European culture. Their presence itself is a human rights violation, especially against White women who are the victims of sexually abusive behavior.

Thanks to Felix Rex ⳩ @navyhato for posting this.

Abuse of women is something deeply ingrained and reinforced over centuries. It’s safe to say that in some sub-races of humans it has become genetic. There’s no way to separate degrading treatment of women from their behavior and cultures.

Not taking that into account is a severe atrocity and results in things like the 2015–16 New Year’s Eve sexual assaults in Germany and the Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal which only the tip of the vast invader shitskin abuse and rape of White girls that has occurred in the UK and throughout Europe.

The top 9 highest nationalities are non-European
Mass invasion is having a severe impact on the standard of living among other things. Canada is the most insane country in the world in terms of being flooded with vast amounts of alien invaders. Treasonous elites are more than happy to watch as the standard of living of their own native populations are destroyed.
Thanks to D L MacArthur on Telegram for posting this
Enforcing against “disparate impact” is an atrocity when actual disparity exists between groups.

It is ignorant to believe that enlightenment doesn’t have a physical component. Enlightenment manifests in what is termed the etheric or spiritual realm, but the spiritual realm is on a continuum with the physical realm.

In order for there to be enlightenment, it has to be possible for there to be enlightenment. There is no automatic guarantee in existence that this criteria be met.

Enlightenment is the result of a progression of evolution, which is a spiritual and physical process. To be against evolution is to be against enlightenment and against life itself.

The anti-racism cult that controls Western countries is a cult of death and derangement.


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