Inspiration from One of the Greatest Leaders in the World

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These are people in a major Western nation standing up against the jew-controlled Claremont Institute/CIA-orchestrated globalist regime.

They’re opting out of the globo-homo pedophilia agenda, Ukraine insanity, and mass immigration – all things that the Tel Aviv/Washington terrorist regime is trying its damnedest to push to the four corners of the globe, even at the expense of radically destroying the international reputation and good-will towards the USA.

We can’t easily appreciate the extent to which the people of the Alternativ für Deutschland party are being maligned and abused, most likely in no small part orchestrated by the CIA and its embedded lackeys in Germany. As this conference itself was going on there were protests outside the event.

The courageous members of AfD withstand intimidation, abuse, and even threats, but they are true patriots. You cannot be a true patriot of your nation if you don’t oppose the jew-controlled globalist regime. If its tentacles aren’t attacking you and your members then you aren’t really standing for true freedom.

God bless Alternativ für Deutschland and may they have great success!

Few people can truly appreciate the courage and fortitude it takes to be able to stand in the German Budestag in front of the country’s top leaders and give a speech like this, condemning their anti-German policies. God Bless Alice Weidel.

The evil forces in control of Germany are no different than those in control of the USA, only Germany’s political system is far less broken that the USA’s.


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