
Donald, these traitorous slimebags are not leaders nor innovators. They’re economic and technological parasites. The ‘industry’ they represent is utter bullshit. Cornering market niches isn’t innovation. These parasites speak for nothing but greed.

There are decent, hardworking, even heroic people in fields of technology. Many of them dedicate their lives, with little reward, for the sake of knowledge and for ideals like Open Source. These people are not them. They don’t represent technological progress, but rather technological enslavement.

These scabs don’t deserve to be ‘rewarded’ with cheap imported labor. They deserve to be lined up against a wall and flamethrowered.

The last thing the USA needs is more invader pajeets and gooks, and incentives to invaders for educational and other scams and fraud.

And the absolute last thing American students need is more foreign invaders in their classes.

Mass invasion is never a sound social nor economic policy, except for tyrants and slave masters. Trump Promises to Staple Green Cards to Diplomas