Only Whites

Daniel Concannon posting on

Whites are the only organism on Earth that is punished for exercising our innate in-group preference.

Amazon shopping assistant is openly anti-White

Meanwhile Amazon’s AI shopping assistant is openly anti-White

White Papers Institute infographic

For any other biological population on Earth this level of population collapse would be viewed as a catastrophe. This collapse is not natural. It is not the result of natural law. It is the result of deliberate policies by evil people whose objective is White genocide.

And it’s happening on the Eastern seaboard of the USA…

…and in the Midwest.

Every White American should be outraged at the invasion policies and the public officials who are enabling and enacting them. We have a right to our nation, free from immigration and replacement. We built this country.

The entrance to Disneyland is literally controlled more than the United States borders.

D L MacArthur posting on Telegram (and on

During the Fentanyl Floyd summer of rioting BLM rioters caused billions of dollars in damage. But only non-violent, peaceful pro-White protesters get the book thrown at them under this corrupt and evil system.


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