Evil Jews

People in Los Angeles have been rightfully protesting the sale of illegally-seized Palestinian land. The non-violent protesters have been subject to violent attacks by jews and by police scum.

This incident above is from July 6th. There was a previous incident on June 24:

CAIR-LA Condemns Events Promoting Real Estate Sale of Occupied Palestinian Land at Two California Synagogues, Calls for Investigation Into Violence at Los Angeles Event

And we cannot forget when multiple people associated with the Israeli Defense Forces violently attacked peaceful protestors at UCLA:

IDF member and Israeli CEO linked to bloody attack at UCLA

Modern Politics episode: Zionist Terror vs Free Speech

Among the worst is zionist pig Elise Stefanik who uses her seat in Congress to promote zionist lies and propaganda, and to rabidly attack not just the free speech of US citizens to protest against heinous atrocities, but also university administrators who make the ‘mistake’ of allowing free speech on their campuses.

Elise Stefanik is one of the worst traitorous pigs in American history, and she will probably be rewarded for it with a high-level position in any future Trump administration.

The Israeli border wall – paid for by US taxpayers
Madison Grant posting on gab.com

Jews are probably the most heavily indoctrinated and MK ULTRAed people when it comes to propaganda and lies. Hopefully more people like the woman in this video will see through the programming and lies and realize the heinous atrocities zionists and Israel are guilty of.

Video from Gab user “The Nose” reposting “House of Wagner”
@Littoria88 posting on X


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