Please watch these four documentaries about numerous egregious frauds related to the ‘holocaust’.
Eric Hunt’s – Holohoax documentaries
People have gone to great lengths to promote lies and engage in what can only be called outright fraud.
Just as with Germany in the early 20th century, we’re witnessing in the early 21st century USA the rise of jewish power and control, and the ensuing, unfolding disasters. Our homelands are literally being destroyed and our nations turned into third-world shitholes with rampant criminality. This isn’t a coincidence.
It’s time to revisit history and re-think the events that unfolded in the early- and mid-twentieth century. We’ve all been fed lies by a vast propaganda apparatus eager to smear Germany and promote jewish domination.

All the holo-fraudsters, deceivers, and liars should be in jail. They committed severe blood-libel not just against Germans, but in many cases all Whites were impugned as somehow guilty.
Jewish world domination is based on holofrauds, and every White person is deliberately programmed from a young age in order to be controlled and manipulated.

Who belongs in jail? Maybe labor internment camps would be most appropriate.
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