Documentary about the US Invasion

This documentary provides a good look at how the invasion of the United States is being orchestrated with the help of the United States federal government (a.k.a. the jew-controlled Biden regime), the United Nations, multiple agencies like Catholic Charities and the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, and by criminal organizations.

Even Catholic immigration aid is run by jews
𝖂𝖍𝖎𝖙𝖊 𝕽𝖆𝖇𝖇𝖎𝖙 post on – US taxpayer money being used to fund invasion is nothing less than an act of war

Just yesterday it was reported that the city of New York is set to spend one billion dollars in taxpayer money to hotels to house the over 65,000 ‘migrants’ being given free room and board in the city.

Part of the fraud involves calling these invaders ‘refugees’. Refugee has a very special meaning and refers to someone in immanent danger of life and limb, such as a political dissident who might face assassination if they return to their home country. The number of such real refugees in the world is minute.

Mass invasion is an atrocity against the citizens of the United States (and every other country where it occurs).

What is going on is a conspiracy to invade the United States and fraud on a massive scale which includes the highest levels of the United States government. Every citizen of the United States should be outraged at this arch crime being perpetrated against our nation and demand immediate justice.