TV and Film Hypocrisy and Worse

I’m going to write something longer, but I want to say this: It’s outrageous how TV shows and films go to painstaking lengths to be realistic, but then in other areas, due to wokeness, they abjectly fail to be realistic.

Watching a drama which has a plot of some fanatical Muslim bad guys who are recruiting young girls to marry ISIS fighters, and the actual actors who are supposed to be the bad Muslims don’t even look Arab, they look European.

That’s because if they depicted actual Arab-looking people in the drama, that would potentially reflect adversely on Arabs, which they can’t have in the show. Heaven forbid they should actually depict reality. So instead you get this absurd drama where all the Arab bad-guys are actually acted by European-looking people.

But then in so many other ways they go to painstaking lengths to be realistic.

Every producer who does this should be sent to a labor camp. Doing this shit creates a fake world. And they’re doing this deliberately. It’s not innocuous. It’s planned and very deliberate.

This causes damage to society. Retard politicians watch this shit and make policies based on it.