Protest Brits – But please be careful

The government has imported untold thousands of murderous and violent migrants against the wishes of the public.

The police have allowed these migrants and their descendants to commit horrendous crimes against white Britons and then have covered them up, spending resources harassing whites who dare to speak the truth.

The media have lied, and lied again. They have used their power to smear and defame anyone or any group that has rallied against the colonisation of our small island home.

These are the people and groups that have colluded to create the kind of conditions that led to the three little girls being butchered by a knife-wielding migrant. White men took to the streets and attacked the police because they have been ignored, maligned and persecuted – they felt there was no other way to be heard.

We, the White British people, are the victims of an anti-white multicultural tyranny that has dispossessed us of power and turned us into second class citizens in our own land. The blame for last night’s incident should not be placed at the feet of people who have been beaten down, ignored, or who have just had their children murdered. The blame for all of this lies with the anti-white establishment.

Patriotic Alternative: Statement on the Southport Murders

Important messages from Mark Collett and Patriotic Alternative.

Mark Collett and Patriotic Alternative are wise and have been organizing and protesting for years. Their wisdom and experience are indispensable.

The regime flooding the sacred, ancestral homeland of the British, the British Isles, with millions of foreigners are the true terrorists. They are the extremists. They are committing an atrocity of extreme hatred against the indigenous British people who have every right to exist in their homeland, free from immigration and replacement.

The tyrannical regime is truly the enemy of the indigenous British people and every British person should be outraged at what is being done to their homeland.

Keir Starmer’s Anti-White Police State

Don’t play into the hands of the enemy.

This disgusting thing, and any of its relatives, doesn’t belong ever in any White country. Importing this into a White country is a primordial act of hatred and terrorism.

Three precious White lives lost and immense suffering because evil traitors let this thing, and millions of its relatives, invade White homelands. Want to talk about terrorism? Want to talk about hatred?

White people want to be left the fuck alone and we have a sacred right to exist in our homelands, free from immigration and replacement.

Whites are a global minority.

The absurdity of importing people from entire continents into the British Isles and other White nations can only be explained as a deliberate act of genocide.