Seize Control Militarily

President Trump, militarily seizing control of municipalities – and entire states – which have egregiously violated US immigration law and are openly aiding and abetting mass invasion of the United States is not only important, it is necessary.

This is the worst national crisis since the founding of the United States and it requires a full military-backed solution including retaking parts of the United States which are egregiously violating the sovereignty of the nation and are essentially hostile territories operating within US borders.

Mass roundups and incarcerations of public officials as well as private citizens who have conspired to usurp the sovereignty of the United States and who have facilitated mass invasion must occur.

Cities like San Francisco, and many many others across the country, as well as entire states like California need to be taken over militarily. These places are essentially no longer the United States of America. They have been operating outside the law with impunity for a very long time and should be regarded as hostile.