I want to say to every White American: Never be afraid to be pro-White. When scum like Elon Musk resort to calling you ‘racist’ for wanting to keep your homelands White, remember that every other major country in the world – ones that Musk’s and other scab-elites are more than happy to do business with – are 1,000 times more racist than the USA will ever be. That includes China, India, and Indonesia.
When scabs like Musk attack you for being ‘racist’, just say “Yes, I’m am pro-White and proud!”. White people exist. White people have a right to exist. White people have a right to exist sustainably in the homelands and cultural centers created by our ancestors, free from immigration and replacement. White people have a right to advocate for our collective self-interests.
Never let them cow you into being afraid to advocate for White collective interests.
Stop and reverse all non-White immigration. Expulsions and mass remigrations are the only path to a healthy USA.
Already the Trump administration seems more interested in protecting murderous jew terrorists and importing millions of Indians than actually making America great again.
Is it going to turn into a grave betrayal of America?
Billionaire traitors with no sense of allegiance, and no love for America.
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