America First LMAO

Yet another Holocult™ indoctrination center being built. They can’t get enough of them.

Regardless of what happened, any good spiritual adviser, therapist, or healer will tell you it’s extremely bad to constantly dredge up negativity from the past. Part of being a healthy organism means living in the present, which too few of us do. People can spend their entire lifetimes living in the past (anxiety, trauma, regret) or in the future (anxiety, fear, apprehension).

It’s 100% certain that the jews pushing this psycho-spiritual poison onto the world know this full well. Their agenda has absolutely nothing to do with healing and everything to do with manipulation and power.

Thus, it is a spiritual duty to stand up against the Holocult and the evil people constantly promoting it.

Representative Massie is the only representative in Congress without a jewish handler, and who will not accept money from the jewish/Israel lobby. For that, Trump is now attacking him and calling for Massie to be primaried. Utterly disgusting.

Like a bad, sick joke.

Nothing is more disgusting than watching US politicians trying to out-jew each other 🤮

This is exactly what’s going on and why Warren was kicked off Twitter/X. The extreme shift from ‘woke’ to now anti-woke is just a tactical maneuver intended to tweak the USA political and social infrastructure to better support the objective of jewish supremacy.
Image courtesy of ElfReich on Gab. Please support platforms like Gab which critically allow true free speech and criticisms of jewish power.


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