Category: Uncategorized

  • Before the Atrocities

    What a disaster for the United States and for the entire world. Fuck you, traitorous zioshills in Western governments and institutions. And fuck you, Israel. The world is vastly more hellish because of you. You are not people of peace and love. You are people of intolerance, abuse, and hatred. Fuck you and fuck every…

  • It’s Obvious: The USA is an Occupied Country

    The FULL TRUTH About Israel vs. Palestine | Guest: Scott Horton — E (@ElijahSchaffer) October 10, 2023 It’s obvious that the United States of America is an occupied nation. While its borders are being rushed by thousands upon thousands of illegal invaders, public officials are silent or dismissive. But now that there’s a conflict…

  • Fight for everything that makes life worth living

    [NOTE: If video fails to play to the end please refresh the page and try playing the video again] Imagine living in a country whose leaders cherish the people and the land, rather than enrich themselves, enslave and genocide people, and destroy the land.

  • 1965 Immigration Act: Lie upon Lie upon Lie

    First, our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually. Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration remains substantially the same. Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset. Contrary to the charges in some quarters, [the bill] will not inundate America with immigrants from anyone country or…

  • White Techies: When You Lose Your People You Lose Everything

    I see White techies with their credentials from anti-White institutions. The ‘lucky’ few who can get in and get a university degree under the anti-White system. Then they work in the rabidly anti-White tech industry. They live a life of privilege. Every day they are served by a large retinue of brown-skinned attendants who drive…

  • Lone NYC Filmographer Stands Against Invasion Thugs

    [NOTE – If the video fails to play to the end, please reload the page and try to replay the video] The regime’s thugs trying to prevent the public from witnessing the invasion crime. Don’t forget, this entire shitshow is government funded. The building, every piece of shit traitor security guard, and of course all…

  • German invasion NGO jew head brags about White genocide

    [NOTE – If the video fails to play to the end please reload the page and try playing the video again] These evil shits should be hanged.

  • At the Center of Every Kind of Victimization

    [NOTE: If the video below fails to play to the end, please refresh the page and try playing the video again.] Conditioning people to go against their instincts is a form of attack. In this toxic society which is filled with all kinds of toxins chemical, nutritional, physiological, psychological and spiritual, people are poisoned to…

  • Genocide Joe hard at work

    [NOTE: If the videos fail to play to the end, please refresh the page and try to replay them] What this young lady talks about in her video is exactly what the Jew-controlled, anti-White terrorist regime, with their puppet Genocide Joe at the helm, wants: A system of global enslavement of all goyim (non-Jews), who…

  • The White Genocide Economy

    "The way our economy is structured requires an endless population increase to subsidize the affluent lifestyles of the rent seekers, debt financiers, middleman distributors, and vulture capitalists." a.k.a. the anti-White, eco-rapacious, Earth-destroying terrorist regime. The regime would not allow the native European population of the United States to heal and to flourish. The destruction to…