Two-Tier Anti-White Justice in the UK

In the United Kingdom, White people are persecuted under a two-tier justice system. White people are the target of state-sponsored derision, malignment, abuse, and in many cases extreme injustice.

To be clear: The regime controlling the United Kingdom is an anti-White, terrorist tyranny. The shitbag prime minister Keir Starmer literally goes public denouncing ‘inflamming’ things as he inflames things.

Image thanks to MIA @_Mama_Mia10 on X
Image thanks to MIA @_Mama_Mia10 on X

This alone is enough reason to kick out every non-White invader in the UK, and hang every public official who allowed them in. This includes every police staff who looked the other way or failed to report it out of fear of being called ‘racist’.

Some of the victims of ‘diversity’ in the UK
User Apolitical posting on
Scottish Pakistani Prime Minister complaining Scotland is too White

Inciting racial hatred.

AI-generated fake video of Pakistani Scottish Prime Minister

This AI-generated video proves a point.

Non-Whites don’t belong in White societies. It’s not about ‘hatred’ as the tyranny’s PSYOP disinfo claims. It’s about our basic human right to exist.

“Hatred” is yet another weaponized attack word that the regime uses, even to the point of embedding it into law. But it has no value. There is no law that one has to like anyone, or that it’s illegal to not like anyone.

One of the most fundamental, essential rights of every living organism is the act of discernment: The right to choose where to go, who to live among, who not to live among, what to eat, what not to eat, who to procreate with and who not to procreate with.

To try to actually legislate against fundamental discernment shows how extremist the regime is. It has to be this way because the multi-culturalism and globohomo shit they’re forcing on to society is so unnatural that it has become absurd.

It’s so fundamentally at odds with the natural order of things that it literally can’t exist without an vast, extensive propaganda PSYOP apparatus operating full-tilt and constant, heavy-handed threats of prosecution with martial force by the regime’s enforcers.

Despite all that, invading the sacred homeland of the British people with hordes of non-Whites is a hate crime, an act of treason, and extreme tyranny.